We are building a new platform for radio amateurs worldwide.

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What is Amateur Radio?
(Ham Radio)

Ham radio is a communications service available to the worldwide community. Without any dependency on Wifi, cellular or landlines, hams are licensed by governments worldwide and enjoy the independence of direct communication, the challenge of electronics and computer integration and the fun of chasing invisible radio waves propagated from remote parts of the world (or they just like to talk to their friends).

Amateur Radio Emergency Services

(ARES) is an important part of local and state emergency communications.

Whether it is a extreme weather disabling communications locally or regionally or other circumstance, hams take their EMCOMM (Emergency Communications) seriously.


Get Licensed

Join a local ham radio club and you can attend license classes.

Local clubs are a great way to learn and understand the many areas of Ham Radio.


Parks on the Air (POTA)/(SOTA)

Parks on the Air and Summits on the Air promote international portable amateur radio operations that for emergency awareness and communications from national/federal and state/provincial level parks.

Satellite Communications

Using a handheld or building a ground based satellite station, hams communicate through satellites and the International Space Station.


its contacting rare islands or countries, join the fun of chasing rare DX. Hams even organize small teams to go on DXpeditions to unusual locations for days or weeks at a time.


Compete in radiosport activities with other hams in contests worldwide.

Digital Communications

Hams have been using digital communications technologies such as RTTY since post World War II. Today, many modes exist including FT8 and VARA. Connect your email to the worldwide radio network!

VHF/UHF Communications

From using straight forward handhelds to talk around the town or world or communicating through meteor scatter to or bouncing your signal off the of the moon, hams use VHF/UHF/SHF for great fun.

Field Day

One June weekend every year, hams setup portable communications at sites throughout the US to demonstrate and improve emergency communications. Hams work from home, mobile or at a field day site to test their communications skills and enjoy the great outdoors.

What are we working on?

Our goal is to provide a cloud based integration and communication platform for amateurs worldwide.

DX = Distance

QSO = Contact/Conversation

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